Maryam Jameel

Engagement Reporter

Photo of Maryam Jameel

Maryam Jameel is an engagement reporter working on community-sourced investigations out of ProPublica’s Washington, D.C. newsroom. Her reporting focuses on how federal policy affects workplace rights. Previously, she was a reporter with the Center for Public Integrity, where she investigated racial inequality in employment, dangerous workplace exposures and wage theft by federal contractors.

Los trabajadores de las granjas lecheras de Wisconsin están muriendo. Muchas de las muertes no son investigadas.

A veces la OSHA investiga las muertes en granjas pequeñas si éstas proveen viviendas a los trabajadores inmigrantes. En otras ocasiones, la agencia dice que no puede hacer nada.

Dairy Workers on Wisconsin’s Small Farms Are Dying. Many of Those Deaths Are Never Investigated.

OSHA sometimes investigates deaths on small farms if they provide housing to immigrant workers. Other times the agency says it can’t take action.

La industria lechera de Wisconsin depende de los indocumentados, pero el estado les prohíbe tener licencia

Los inmigrantes indocumentados en el estado pueden registrar sus autos, pero no los pueden manejar—lo cual los pone en riesgo de ser multados o arrestados.

Wisconsin’s Dairy Industry Relies on Undocumented Immigrants, but the State Won’t Let Them Legally Drive

Undocumented immigrants in the state can own and register their vehicles, but they aren’t allowed to drive them, forcing many farm workers to risk fines and arrest. “It’s a Catch-22 for a lot of folks,” advocates say.

Oficiales en Wisconsin se plantean hacer el departamento del sheriff más asequible a la gente que no habla inglés

Los planes de cambio vienen tras un reportaje de ProPublica que encontró que la policía malinterpretó como murió un niño nicaragüense en una granja lechera. Mientras tanto la familia del niño ha llegado a un acuerdo en una denuncia contra la granja.

Following the Death of an 8-Year-Old on a Wisconsin Dairy Farm, Officials Look to Bridge Law Enforcement Language Gap

After ProPublica found that a police investigation into a *****’s death was mishandled due to language barriers, officials hope to improve how police interact with non-English speakers. Meanwhile, the boy’s family has settled a suit against the farm.

Funcionarios toman medidas para abordar los problemas que enfrentan los trabajadores inmigrantes en las granjas lecheras de Wisconsin

Una investigación de ProPublica demuestra cómo las barreras del idioma contribuyeron a que las autoridades culparan erróneamente a un trabajador de una granja lechera por la muerte de su hijo. Los legisladores responden.

Officials Move to Address Problems Facing Immigrant Workers on Wisconsin Dairy Farms

A ProPublica investigation showed how language barriers contributed to authorities wrongly blaming a dairy farm worker for his son’s death. Lawmakers have responded.

¿Por qué investigamos la muerte de Jefferson? Carta a nuestros lectores.

Nuestras reporteras explican por qué investigamos la muerte de Jefferson.

Ayúdenos a investigar las condiciones en las granjas lecheras

Necesitamos su colaboración para entender las dificultades que enfrentan los trabajadores en los ranchos.

Help ProPublica Journalists Investigate the Dairy Industry

We need your help to understand the challenges facing dairy farm workers. We especially want to hear from farmers, medical professionals, regulators and anyone else with perspective from inside the community.

Tragedia en una granja lechera

La verdadera historia del niño nicaragüense que murió en un rancho en Wisconsin, y cómo las autoridades se equivocaron al culpar a su padre.

Death on a Dairy Farm

When an 8-year-old Nicaraguan boy was run over on a Wisconsin dairy farm, authorities blamed his father and closed the case. Meanwhile, the community of immigrant workers knows a completely different story.

Kidney Failure, Emergency Rooms and Medical Debt. The Unseen Costs of Food Poisoning.

A salmonella outbreak sickened more than 60 people at a funeral reception in Texas. Two years later, some of them are still coping with the financial and medical consequences.

Your Free-Range Organic Chicken May Have Been Processed at a Large Industrial Poultry Plant

To help us make sense of the opaque poultry supply chain, hundreds of ProPublica readers sent in details about their chickens and turkeys. Here’s what we learned.

“Get This Thing Out of My Chest”

A life-sustaining heart pump was taken off the market after years of problems and FDA inaction. Thousands of people are now stuck with it embedded in their hearts.

Tell Us About Your Experience With Life-Sustaining Medical Devices

Do you or someone you know have a pacemaker, defibrillator, implanted prosthetic, or other lifesaving device? Do you work with or in the medical device industry? Help us report.

A Postal Worker Begged for Stronger COVID-19 Protections. She Ended Up Spending Six Weeks in the Hospital.

The limited response to postal workers’ repeated appeals for help provides a window into the failures of two federal agencies: the Postal Service, which is one of the country’s largest employers, and OSHA, which is supposed to protect workers.

Barreras falsas: estas cosas no deberían impedirle vacunarse contra COVID-19

Se supone que las vacunas contra el coronavirus son gratuitas y están disponibles para todos en Estados Unidos, independientemente de su seguro o de su situación migratoria. Para algunos, no ha sido así.

False Barriers: These Things Should Not Prevent You From Getting a COVID Vaccine

Vaccinations for the coronavirus are supposed to be free and available to all Americans regardless of insurance or immigration status. For some, that isn’t how it has been playing out. Here are common false barriers to look out for.

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